Version 2.0
SWOT Analysis
What are your assets?
Which one of those assets is the strongest?
What makes you better than your competitors?
Let us dig in to know more
What is a SWOT analysis?
SWOT is considered as the most effective way where we can self-analyze our improvement. It is an acronym for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. It will help you in achieving your targets successfully by making the best utilization of your resources.
Who uses SWOT Analysis?
SWOT Analysis is one of the successful methods to help companies understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that face organizations. However, we can use the same tool to drive innovation and creativity inside companies and projects. This analysis can help identify successful innovation opportunities and how to turn ideas into a successful product or service.
Where can it be used?
It can be used to assess places, competitors, businesses and even to do self-assessments.
How is this helpful to me?
- SWOT analysis is a very simple framework for analyzing your inner self.
- Understanding your characteristics would sometimes be a tricky task.
- Self-analyzing is perhaps one of the most complex things to understand.
- But it is not as complex as it sounds. It is a very simple process once you look deeper into it.
- It plays a very significant role in the growth of a person’s career. It will help you learn more about yourself. With this, you can refine your inner-self and guide your pathway by your own
- Personality development is an essential step for bringing out a better and advanced version of you
- Amending your-self is not only important for your professional purpose but also for your personal development.
Why should I do a SWOT analysis?
- SWOT analysis is a powerful personal development tool.
- SWOT analysis of yourself would help you differentiate between internal (strength, weaknesses) and external (opportunities, threats) factors that help you make the right decision.
- It helps you understand yourself in a better way.
- It could give you some clarity on which career path would be a better option for you.
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Written by Rithika Dundigalla
and Janani Thimmapuram